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Torah. The Pentateuch of Moses in weekly chapters, in poetic form

Dear friends!

There have been four revolutions in Judaism in the past time,

The gratuitous study of the Torah, from the Oral to the Written.

Accessibility for women, as a recognition of justice in feminism,

But the main thing is the Torah for non-Jews and its worldwide dissemination!

The TORA is the foundation of the world's three leading faiths,

Judaism, Christianity, Islam.

Now everyone can study the Torah – the source of sacred knowledge,

However, the choice is up to the individual.

The Torah is given in the poetic presentation of Sergiush Manzhievsky

Author of the poem Sergiusz Mangiejewski

Translation from Russian into English with the help of DeepL Translate

Cover designer Vera Filatova

© Vera Filatova, cover design, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-5343-2

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


  • On the holiday of Simchat Torah, Jews make merry and dance with the scrolls of the TORAH̀,
  • On this day, the cycle of studying the chapters of the Torah ends and begins again.
  • The Torah is the Book of Books, G-d’s imperishable and priceless creation, there is no room for debate!
  • The TORAH was given by G-d to Israel, for their commitment and love for Him.
  • There was no Word, no time, no matter, no space,
  • One G-d in spiritual essence, and He was pleased to create the world.
  • Something out of Nothing? There were only His Utterances and transcendent Light,
  • This cannot be understood and comprehended, but only accepted and lived.
  • To get to the basics of understanding of the Most High,
  • It is necessary to master the available knowledge for enlightenment.
  • Only after that can it descend upon man,
  • The revelation of the Infinite Creator, as a result of His favour.
  • The Torah is the essence of G-d’s revelation,
  • It reflects the will and wisdom of G-d on the level of all worlds.
  • TORAH is the embodiment of the essence of the universe,
  • The cornerstone of the spirituality of the essence of the fundamentals.
  • With the acceptance of the Torah, the Jews placed a burden of responsibility on themselves.
  • After all, the world is like a Temple and needs purification and illumination constantly.
  • The degradation of the Jewish people is detrimental to the world, as time has shown,
  • The spiritual uplift of the children of Israel, on the contrary, perfects the world unceasingly.
  • Every observant Jew is daily obligated,
  • To go beyond his desires, habits, passions.
  • Only by fulfilling G-d’s blessings and Tora’s commands,
  • The soul’s ascent is possible, the fulfilment of its mission.
  • The cornerstone of TORAH is the demand for sympathy and respect,
  • The principle: ‘what is not pleasing to you, do not do to another’.
  • There is an aspiration to the place of G-d’s stay – the transformation of this world,
  • Having received forgiveness from the wronged one, the guilty one is worthy of forgiveness from G-d Himself.
  • The true individuality of Man depends on the depth of his connection with G-d,
  • The ways through which G-dliness is transmitted to people are endless!
  • The closer a person is to G-d, the more individuality there is in him,
  • Torah for Jews is synonymous with life, in it and with it, they are eternal!
  • Accurate adherence to the canons of the Torah can preserve and save,
  • Both from their own spiritual unlivability and from any misfortune.
  • To the observant and to the neighbour, favours from the Most High can descend,
  • Deliverance from ill-will, despair, sickness, poverty and misery.
  • There have been four revolutions in Judaism in the past time,
  • The gratuitous study of the Torah, from the Oral to the Written.
  • Accessibility for women, as a recognition of justice in feminism,
  • But the main thing is the Torah for non-Jews and its worldwide dissemination!

Book of Genesis

Weekly chapter: Bereshit #1

  • For six days, G-d’s unfathomable creation of the world continued,
  • On the first day – light and darkness, on the second day – the firmament, the vaults of the waters,
  • On the third day, the earth and the flora, On the fourth day, the stars,
  • On the fifth day, birds and fish, and only on the sixth day was man created.
  • When G-d created man from the dust of the earth, He breathed into him a ‘living soul’,
  • Seeing that it was not good for man to be alone, He separated one part of him,
  • He formed a woman, half a man, but different,
  • ‘Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth,’ G-d blessed people.
  • G-d saw that the created things were very good and on the seventh day He rested from work,
  • G-d blessed the seventh day, and as a day of rest, He brightened it.
  • For people created in His i and likeness, G-d was not stingy with His bounties,
  • He planted many and various trees in Eden, bearing fruit fit for food.
  • Adam and Havva are placed by G-d in the Garden of Eden and indulge in pleasure,
  • Everything is allowed to them, only the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil cannot be eaten.
  • Under the influence of the Serpent, the most cunning of beasts, Havvah gave in to temptation,
  • and induced Adam to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree to know good and evil.
  • For this sin, G-d deprives Adam and Havva of immortality and banishes them from Eden,
  • She gives birth to her first two sons and Cain kills Abel, his younger brother.
  • The third son of Havvah – Sheth becomes the forefather of Noah, and Cain condemns himself to wandering,
  • And G-d regretted that He had created man, and was grieved when He saw how great was the evil of him.

Book of Genesis

Weekly Chapter: Noah #2

  • Noah is the tenth generation descendant of the son of Havvah and Adam,
  • He is the only righteous man left on the planet.
  • G-d tells Noah to build an ark, a flood is coming for human debauchery and mockery,
  • Noah rescues his family and every creature, docking at the Ararat peaks.
  • In gratitude for his salvation, Noah makes a sacrifice to G-d,
  • The L-rd swears not to destroy mankind for its sins any longer.
  • The story of the Flood belongs to a period of time long ago,
  • This story adds to the portrait of mankind.
  • The rainbow was chosen to symbolise the union between G-d and mankind,
  • as a sign of G-d’s favour after the Flood.
  • For before G-d, people always appear as His children,
  • The rainbow is a reminder of our duty to the Creator, the source of all things.
  • Noah receives commandments from Above, among which is the prohibition of murder and others,
  • For ten generations then there was one people with one language on Earth.
  • The people rebelled and built the Tower of Babel. G-d does not forgive for such deeds,
  • and each of the seventy nations has lived in its own world ever since.
  • Everything is accounted for, ten generations from Noah to Abram are listed by name by G-d,
  • By G-d’s command, Avram’s family moves from Ur-Kasdim to the land of Knaan,
  • The history of the Jews, G-d’s chosen people, is just beginning,
  • And this is the voice of G-d to the Jews and the world, not fiction and deception.

The Book of Being

Weekly Chapter: Lech Lecha No. 3

  • Avram and his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot proceed to Cnaan via Har̀n,
  • Avram builds an altar to Tv-rtz and spreads teachings about the One G-d.
  • Famine forces Avram and Sarai to travel to Egypt and go into deception,
  • Call themselves brother and sister and receive gifts from Pharaoh.
  • Upon returning to Cnaan, Lot separates from Abram and settles in the city of Sodom,
  • There Abram’s nephew is captured by the Mesopotamian king Kedarlaomer,
  • Abram and his companions rescue his nephew and defeat his enemies,
  • And then receives a blessing from Malki Tzedek, king of Shalem.
  • G-d makes an alliance with Avram, and foretells the prosperity of his posterity,
  • while foreseeing the exile, suffering and hardship of the Jewish people in captivity,
  • The L-rd promises the Holy Land as an everlasting inheritance for the people of Israel,
  • For Abram saw the One G-d through the shroud of idolatry.
  • The barren Sarai persuaded Abram’s husband to marry Hagar the maid,
  • She gave birth to Ishmael, who later became the progenitor of a great nation.
  • G-d decides that Avram’s name should be changed to Avraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah,
  • And He commanded Avram to be circumcised, a ‘sign of union’ between them, G-d called it.

The Book of Being

Weekly chapter #4

  • Abraham, at the age of 99, is circumcised and G-d reveals Himself to him in the form of a human being,
  • For Abraham, the news that Sarah would give birth to a son in a year was the sweetest thing.
  • Abraham prays to G-d to forgive the city of Sodom, which is sinking deeper and deeper into debauchery.
  • The L-rd destroys Sodom, but angels save Lot and his daughters.
  • Lot’s daughters, having drunk their father, lay with him, and by him they gave birth,
  • Their sons later became the ancestors of the Moabites and Amonians.
  • G-d, as promised, gives Abraham and Sarah a son, for which they were devoted to Him,
  • The son is named Yitzchak and is circumcised on the 8th day, for the covenant has already been given.
  • G-d tests Avraham, commanding him to sacrifice his only son,
  • But He stops Abraham at the moment when the father is about to draw the knife on his son.
  • The lamb that got away was put on the altar instead of Yitzhak,
  • There are no coincidences in G-d’s world, you can’t understand it if you don’t understand.
  • Here we are talking about two great Righteous men, father and son – Abraham and Yitzhak, Who went themselves and led the Jewish people to G-d in different ways.
  • Avraham was a proclaimer of G-d and received more than once ‘signs’ from G-d,
  • Yitzhak – converted the Gentiles to the true faith, both are one in Him!!!!

The Book of Being

Weekly chapter: Hayei Sarah #5

  • And at one hundred and twenty-seven years of age, Sarah was as beautiful as if she had been twenty,
  • and sinless, as if she were only seven years old.
  • But her hour was come, Sarah passed away, and Abraham became sad,
  • Abraham bought land for 400 pieces of silver and buried Sarah, fulfilling his vow.
  • Life is given to people to do a certain amount of good.
  • Actions also illuminate the life of man from the day of his birth,
  • The time of fulfilment of the commandments is the quintessence of the essence of being!
  • The influence of Sarah’s holiness on people will be felt for many generations to come…
  • G-d challenged Avraham to marry off his son Yitzhak in a proper manner,
  • Avraham sent a servant to look for a bride for his son to Haran, to his brother,
  • The servant found a bride for Yitzhak successfully, as it happens when G-d provides,
  • And as a consolation to Yitzhak for the death of his mother, Rivka became his favourite wife.
  • It’s about the marriage between Yitzhak and Rivka,
  • And it teaches an important and instructive lesson to all Jews, and not only.
  • It’s very important to choose a life partner,
  • The consequences of making a mistake here are extremely high.
  • Abraham married a maid, and she bore him sons,
  • Not seeing any worthy among them, Abraham gives them a share and removes them from the house.
  • These sons became the ancestors of the nations of different branches,
  • But Avraham declares Yitzhak his sole heir.
  • G-d blessed Yitzhak and His promises to Avraham,
  • for Yitzhak and his descendants He preserved and extended.
  • Avraham died at the age of one hundred and seventy-five and after the rite of parting,
  • He rested in peace in the cave of Machpelah in Hebron beside his wife Sarah.

The Book of Being

Weekly Chapter: Toldot No. 6

  • Yitzchak married Rivka and only twenty years later G-d gave them sons,
  • Rivka had a vision that she was having twins – the progenitors of the two nations are at enmity.
  • The elder son Esav was Yitzhak’s favourite, the younger son Yaakov was the mother’s favourite,
  • But a choice had to be made, the people of Israel needed a single leader.
  • Esav grew up to be a ‘skilful hunter’ and a skilful farmer,
  • Ya’akov, ‘a man of integrity’, devoted all his time to study in the tents.
  • According to the law of the time, Esav was the owner of the primogeniture status,
  • But G-d saw fit to make Yaakov the heir apparent.
  • When Esav was hungry, he sold his primogeniture to Yaakov for a pot of lentil soup,
  • Rivka put her husband’s vigilance to sleep, and Yitzhak blessed Yaakov for his dominion.
  • Esau, having learnt, was grieved and did not recognise his younger brother’s superiority over him,
  • Yaakov, avoiding his brother’s revenge, left home and went to Haran to Rivka’s brother.
  • All Yitzchak could do for the weeping Esav was to bless him,
  • That the eldest son would live by his sword and every time,
  • Yaakov would lose his father’s favour before Esav,
  • Esav’s anger at his younger brother Ya’akov over the loss of his birthright never abated.

The Book of Being

Weekly chapter: Vaetze #7

  • On his way to Haran, Ya’akov stopped for the night at one place,
  • G-d appeared to him and promised his descendants the land on which he was reclining.
  • Ya’akov set up a stone as an altar and monument and vowed,
  • To erect on this place G-d’s House, the Temple, a pedestal for G-d.
  • Rivka’s brother Lavan gave away his daughters to Yaakov: Leah and Rachel, the ‘reward’ from his uncle.
  • Leah gave birth to Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehudah, Issachar, Zevulun. Yosef gives birth to Rachel,
  • The maids Bilgah and Zilpah legitimately give birth to Dan, Naftali, Asher and Gad.
  • Yaakov and his family secretly depart for the Holy Land – to fulfil G-d’s purpose.
  • Lavan and his posse sets off in pursuit of Yaakov and his family is set upon,
  • G-d appears to Lavan in a dream and warns him not to do any harm to Yaakov.
  • Lavan and Yaakov meet on the hill of Gal-Ed and make a peace agreement,
  • Finally, Ya’akov goes to Knaan, where a pair of angels has been waiting for him for a long time.

The Book of Being

Weekly chapter: Vaishlah #8

  • Yaakov sends messenger angels to his brother Esav in hopes of reconciliation,
  • Esav is outraged. Yaakov prepares for battle, but prays and sends gifts to his brother.
  • Fighting Esav’s patron angel, Yaakov has the strength to overpower him,
  • The angel names Yaakov Yisrael1. The brothers reconciled, but have seen each other ever since.
  • Yaakov and his numerous family members buy a plot of land near the city of Shechem,
  • The son of the ruler of that city captures and rapes Dina, Yaakov’s daughter.
  • Her brothers Shimon and Levin kill all the men in Shechem and a problem arises,
  • Yaakov’s family goes to Yitzchak’s father in Havron, from Shechem from revenge rather away.
  • On the way, Rachel gives birth to a son Binyamin and dies in childbirth,
  • The twelve heads of the tribes of Israel are now complete.
  • Reuven is denied the right of primogeniture because of his failure to honour the traditions of the people,
  • Yitzchak died at the age of 180, and Yaakov and his sons gave him a proper burial.

The Book of Being

Weekly chapter: Vaeshev #9

  • Out of jealousy, brothers Shimon and Levi sell Yosef into Egyptian slavery,
  • lying to his father that his brother was attacked and devoured by a wild beast.
  • Yitzchak, having become his own with the king and unwilling to allow sacrilege to his wife,
  • He was slandered and thrown into prison behind a heavy, bolted prison door.
  • In his imprisonment Yosef meets the cupbearer and the baker, Pharaoh’s officials,
  • He interprets their dreams and they come true: the latter is hanged, the former is released.
  • Yosef asks the freed cupbearer to put in a good word with his patron,
  • But the latter did not, and his sense of gratitude was completely devoid of gratitude.
  • Meanwhile, Yosef’s brother Yehuda gives birth to three sons,
  • The eldest son Er marries Tamar, but dies childless and young,
  • His brother Onan marries Tamar but dies quickly, sin is the cause,
  • Tamar by Yehudah bears sons Peretz and Zerach, driven by her instinct.

The Book of Being

Weekly chapter: Mikets #10

  • By interpreting Pharaoh’s own dreams, Yosef not only came out of his imprisonment,
  • But he became the de facto ruler of Egypt, the second person after Pharaoh.
  • Yosef married and had sons, but he never strayed from G-d’s teachings,
  • He kept the commandments, missed his father and brothers, remembered his home.
  • The sons of Yaakov, because of the famine, went to Egypt to buy food,
  • They did not recognise their brother in the king, but Yosef recognised them at once.
  • Declaring the brothers to be spies, he left Shimon as a hostage while the others,
  • went after his brother Binyamin, with G-d’s help, Yosef calculated everything.
  • Yehuda convinced Yaakov to release Binyamin on his own recognisance,
  • Satisfied, Yosef released Shimon and gave the brothers a farewell feast.
  • Putting Binyamin in the cup and ‘making’ him guilty by detaining him accordingly,
  • As punishment, making his younger brother his slave, Binyamin fell into a trap.

The Book of Being

Weekly Chapter: Vayigash #11

  • Yehuda begs Yosef to free his younger brother Binyamin and offers,
  • To remain in slavery in his place, by his devotion Yosef has defeated him.
  • Convinced of his brothers’ unity, Yosef reveals himself to them,
  • ‘Is my father Yaakov still alive?’ – ‘Is my father Yaakov still alive?
  • The brothers are hurt, ashamed and remorseful for what they have done against their brother,
  • ‘G-d sent me to Egypt to save my family,’ Yosef comforted them.
  • The brothers returned to their father with good news, and Yaakov, rejoicing more than ever,
  • Goes to Egypt to his son, accompanied by seventy souls of relatives.
  • On the way, Yaakov is favoured and instructed by G-d:
  • ‘Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make your people great,
  • – I will raise you up from there again,’ which gave Yisrael encouragement,
  • Pharaoh allotted the land of Goshen to Ya’akov and he and his family lived there safely.

Book of Being

Weekly chapter: Vaechi #12

  • After seventeen years in Egypt, Yaakov takes an oath from Yosef before his death,
  • that he will bury him in the Holy Land.
  • Yaakov blesses Yosef’s sons Menashe and Ephraim as his guardians,
  • He fails to reveal the End of Days and dies on his deathbed.
  • Yosef fulfils his promise to his father before his death,
  • Yaakov is buried in the Holy Land, in Hebron, in the cave of Machpelah.
  • Yosef himself dies at the age of one hundred and ten, having given his brothers and sons a parting covenant:
  • To remember G-d’s promise to ‘raise up the Jews in the Land,’ no matter how bitter the portion.

Book: Exodus

Weekly chapter: Shmoth #13

  • The new Pharaoh was afraid that the Jews had multiplied greatly,
  • And in case of war might join Egypt’s enemies.
  • He ordered newborn Hebrew boys to be slaughtered with malice aforethought,
  • To enslave the Jewish people with exorbitant labour.
  • Levi’s daughter, wishing to save her son from certain death,
  • put him in a tarred basket and left him in the reeds.
  • Pharaoh’s daughter adopted the child, and he was called Moshe,
  • He grew and lived in Pharaoh’s palace and was honoured and profitable.
  • But the blood of the Jews in him, it seems, was aroused,
  • When he saw his fellow man beaten, he killed the Egyptian torturer,
  • ‘And that he might not be punished by Pharaoh for his murder.
  • Moshe hurried to the neighbouring country of Midyan.
  • In Midyan Moshe married Tzipòra, the daughter of the priest of Yitro,
  • At Mount Sinai, G-d revealed Himself to Moshe in a flame of burning thorns.
  • And promises to help His Chosen People in the mountain,
  • Aoron is commanded by G-d to be Moshe’s interpreter.
  • G-d is merciful to His beloved child,
  • He didn’t leave Moshe in trouble despite his change of tradition.
  • He sent Moshe to lead the Jews out of the Egyptian hell…
  • Did not dissolve to make the people of Israel in a foreign environment.
  • From the mouth of Moses the statements of the Creator were heard by the Egyptian Pharaoh:
  • ‘Let My son go, that He may serve Me.’
  • For keeping their names, the Jewish people were forgiven,
  • The love of liberty for their own and others’ freedom, Israel has kept it ever since.

Book: Exodus

Weekly Chapter: Va’erah #14

  • G-d reveals Himself to Moshe and promises him to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt,
  • deliver them from slavery, save them, and take them to Himself as His chosen people at Mount Sinài.
  • G-d declared to Pharaoh, ‘Let My people go…’, and in the absence of an answer-rescript,
  • He inflicted great executions on the fertile land of Egypt.
  • Aaron’s staff turns into a serpent, the Nile River flows blood instead of water,
  • Toads, lice and wild beasts invade Egyptian cities,
  • Pestilence, boils, hail from heaven – Pharaoh was hardened by the calamity that fell from heaven,
  • But the tyrant of Egypt did not let the Children of Israel go out of Egypt…

Book: Exodus

Weekly Chapter: BO #15

  • Locusts, darkness, and the death of the firstborn – the three final and most severe punishments of the ten,
  • G-d sent to Egypt to show that there is only One Lord of the world.
  • The transformation of a tribe of slaves into a free people could not take place,
  • without the opposition of monotheism to the Egyptian sacred idols.
  • G-d gives the Jewish people the first commandment to establish their own calendar,
  • The months of the new moon, in which they must henceforth.
  • To sacrifice a lamb for Passover and to stain their doorposts with blood,
  • That G-d may pass over them, before the Egyptian firstborns are punished.
  • The death of the firstborn breaks Pharaoh’s resistance, and he drives the Jews out,
  • The children of Israel are in a hurry, and do not even have time to wait for the dough to rise.
  • They take with them unleavened bread, the gold of the Egyptians and their own honestly earned money,
  • In remembrance of the Exodus and their dedication to G-d, they receive the commandment to put on tefillin.

Book: Exodus

Weekly chapter: Beshalah #16

  • Soon realising what valuable workers Egypt had lost,
  • Pharaoh chased the Jews in chariots to retrieve them by force.
  • Sandwiched between the sea and Pharaoh’s army, the people of Israel were disturbed,
  • And were divided into those who were ready to surrender, to fight, and to dare to go forward.
  • G-d delivered the Jews from the hands of the Egyptians by a miraculous phenomenon,
  • The waters of the Red Sea parted to let them through.
  • The waters closed over the Egyptians… This made the Jews happy,
  • The children of Israel believed in G-d and there was no turning back.
  • When they murmured of thirst and hunger in the wilderness,
  • G-d sent them water and manna and quail from heaven.
  • Friday is double, the Sabbath is a day of rest, and the Jews honour it to this day.
  • Joshua soon gained the first victory over the Amalekites.

Book: Exodus

Weekly Chapter: Itro #17

  • When Moshe killed the Egyptian overseer for his cruelty and fled to Mediàna,
  • There he found a wife, Tziporah, and two sons were born to them.
  • On the advice of his brother Aaron he did not take them with him to Egypt, to the tyrant ruler,
  • so as not to subject his wife and children to the humiliation of slavery.
  • Moshe’s father-in-law Yitro, having heard of the great miracles, with Moshe’s wife and sons,
  • He hurried from Medjan to the camp of the Israelites with the best of intentions.
  • The idolater Yitro made circumcision, accepting the Creator with more than words,
  • And counselled Moshe to set up a system of judgement to govern the people.
  • Seven weeks after the Exodus, an exceptional event took place at Mount Sinai,
  • Not only for Israel, but for the whole world.
  • G-d’s direct address to the Jews, G-d’s revelation,
  • ‘All that you say, L-rd, we will fulfil,’ replied every single Jew.
  • G-d announced that, ‘Israel was chosen to be His people from now on.’
  • and proclaimed the Ten Commandments. The people could not bear G-d’s revelation.
  • And the children of Israel cried out to Moshe to communicate with G-d on their behalf,
  • thus giving the leader the right to give the Torah directly to Moshe.

Book: Exodus

Weekly Chapter: Mishpatim #18

  • G-d, through Moshe, brought out the basic rights of Jewish law,
  • Restricting the slave owner, on bodily harm, damage to the possessor.
  • Fifty-four commandments of primary importance were given,
  • To regulate the relations between men of the most vital importance.
  • The commandments were given to all Jews, without exception,
  • regardless of age, origin, merit or rank.
  • This was of fundamental importance to the Jewish community,
  • for it signalled G-d’s justice and excluded deceit.

Book: Exodus

Weekly Chapter: Truma #19

  • G-d commands the Jewish people through Moshe, ‘Let them make Me a Sanctuary.’
  • On Mount Sinai, Moshe received the knowledge of how to build a portable Temple – the Mishkan.
  • The Tablets, the Commandments, the Kruvim, the Menorah, the Golden Table must be in the receptacle,
  • And there was nothing more valuable and important for the children of Israel than this holy talisman.

Book: The Exodus

Weekly Chapter: Tetsave #20

  • G-d commanded the children of Israel to sacrifice only pure olive oil,
  • For the altar of continual sacrifice, so that Aaron in the sanctuary could keep the fire burning.
  • Not for Himself did G-d ask to light the minora, But that it should not go out,
  • The merit of the children of Israel and of the other nations could not fade away.
  • Then the Creator commanded Moshe to sew and sanctify special garments for the kohen,
  • To conduct the sacred service in the Temple.
  • Aaron was chosen high priest as a token of his zeal,
  • The altar of incense was entrusted to Aaron to find.

Book: Exodus

Weekly Chapter: Ki Tisa #21

  • Every adult Jew is commanded by G-d,
  • To give half a shekel as an offering in the Sanctuary for the ‘redemption of the soul’.
  • It is taught how to make a laver, anointing oils and incense mixtures,
  • And the masters of Bezatzel and Hagaliav are instructed how to assemble the Sanctuary.
  • After not waiting for Moshe to stay on Mount Sinai for forty days and nights,
  • the Children of Israel persuaded Aharon to make them a G-d of gold.
  • Because they wanted to sing the golden calf – a new idol for themselves as soon as possible,
  • G-d decided to put the Jews to death, because they preferred their union with Him to something else.
  • Moshe, in despair at the treachery, breaks the Tablets of the Covenant received at Sinai,
  • destroys the golden calf and executes his kinsmen who betrayed the covenant with G-d.
  • At the same time, he cries to G-d for mercy for those who remained,
  • Forgiving the Jews, G-d said that their descendants will carry the burden of this sin for a long time.
  • Moshe begged G-d to continue to accompany His people on their journey to the Holy Land,
  • He made new Tablets so that G-d would inscribe His Covenant on them.
  • After revealing the Attributes of Mercy, so as not to endanger his brethren,
  • Moshe covered his face with a veil, for it emitted a burning light.

Book: Exodus

Weekly chapter: Vayakel #22

  • And Moshe gathered together all the children of Israel and made the announcement:
1 ‘Overpowered by G-d.
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