The Insomnia Girl ( Teenage Insomnia K Drama )

Электронная книга
Год издания: 2023 год.
ISBN: 978-5-04-634977-1
Скачать: FB2 EPUB
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When insomnia plagues Binna Lee, causing her to lose touch with reality and fail at her goals, she must embark on a journey to find ways to cope, recover and sleep again, before it's too late.Experience "The Insomnia Girl," a teenage K-drama inspired story that delves deep into the struggles of love, friendship, and overcoming insomnia. Follow Binna, a bright and ambitious student, whose life is upended by her battle with insomnia. As she struggles to keep up with school and maintain her relationships, Binna finds herself caught in a tumultuous love triangle that threatens to tear her world apart.

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